Does CBD Work for Dogs? Discover How to Use It and the Benefits for Your Beloved Companion!

CBD, a cannabis-derived compound known for its anti-epileptic effects, is gaining attention as it prepares to make its way into Japan’s medical field.
Specially formulated for dogs, “dog CBD” products are not only for treating epilepsy. They are also used to alleviate issues like joint pain, allergies, loss of appetite, and even to ease anxiety during times like being left alone or traveling.
But does dog CBD truly work? Is it safe?
We’ll cover usage, precautions, and tips on selecting the right products in detail. If you’re curious, this guide is for you!
Introduction: The Growing Popularity of CBD for Dogs
“The Land of CBD” California’s Pet-Friendly Scene
In the U.S., particularly in California, there’s a blossoming culture where dogs are welcome almost everywhere—from trendy cafes to government offices, and even in workplaces! This “pet-friendly” atmosphere is thriving, making dogs cherished companions in the daily lives of many.
Living in California, I often see dogs joyfully accompanying their families on outings or providing devoted support to individuals with disabilities. It’s clear that these furry friends are valued members of our society.
Given the region’s strong health-conscious community, it’s not surprising that many here turn to CBD as a natural alternative for their beloved pets. With yoga, Pilates, hiking, and a keen interest in wellness, people are increasingly exploring CBD for their dogs.
CBD, known for its widespread use in managing epilepsy, is gaining traction for its potential to alleviate a variety of symptoms in both humans and pets, according to many healthcare professionals and veterinarians.
As a major hemp-producing area, the West Coast, including California, offers valuable insights into the use of CBD for dogs. Exploring this region’s approach could provide a meaningful perspective.
The Rise of CBD in Japan
Even in Japan, where hemp regulations have been stringent post-World War II, there’s movement toward legalizing medical CBD use, set to take effect on December 12, 2024. This shift has significantly boosted CBD’s popularity.
Dogs, much like humans, face numerous health challenges, from joint pain, inflammation, and allergies to stress from loud noises, separation anxiety, and trauma. Pet owners in Japan are now turning to CBD, hoping it can help their furry friends with these issues.
Responding to this demand, more veterinary clinics, pet stores, and wellness shops are stocking CBD products for dogs, fostering a culture of using CBD for pet health in Japan. But the question remains: Does CBD truly benefit our canine companions?
What is CBD?
In Japan, amidst the ongoing revision of hemp laws for medical and industrial use, “CBD,” short for cannabidiol, is derived from hemp. It has seen widespread use, particularly in the last five years, as part of routines in sports, beauty, and health.
CBD is a type of “cannabinoid” found in hemp, similar to how vitamins have A, B, C, and so forth. Each cannabinoid has unique properties, with CBD known for its broad-spectrum benefits and relatively easy extraction from hemp, making it a focal point for research and application.
CBD gained prominence through its remarkable success in treating severe childhood epilepsy, leading to its recognition as a medicine in countries like the U.S. and the UK. The World Health Organization (WHO) has acknowledged its benefits and non-addictive nature, and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has removed it from its list of prohibited substances, bolstering its global reputation.
Besides epilepsy, CBD is used for relaxation, pain relief, inflammation reduction, better sleep, stress relief, and even hangover prevention.
Is CBD Effective for Dogs?
So, is CBD beneficial for dogs? The consensus is promising. Dogs, like humans, have an “ECS” or endocannabinoid system, equipped with cannabinoid receptors that CBD interacts with to maintain balance or “homeostasis.”
This balance helps combat aging, stress, and irregular habits. Since dogs also possess this system, many of the benefits observed in humans could extend to dogs as well.
The Rise of CBD for Dogs
The interest in CBD for dogs has surged, with searches like “CBD for dogs” ranking highly in the U.S. during 2020. This trend is tied to the evolving understanding of CBD, regulatory changes, and a pandemic-driven shift towards natural health solutions.
Veterinarians have increasingly recommended CBD as an alternative to traditional medication, offering hope for pet owners concerned about epilepsy, side effects from illness treatments, and more.
In the post-pandemic era, as people resume leaving their homes more frequently, some use CBD to help their pets relax and manage separation anxiety or stress.
Potential Benefits of CBD for Dogs
Let’s explore some of the potential benefits CBD might offer dogs. (This section reflects research findings and possibilities, not guaranteed medical outcomes or promotional claims.)
Dogs generally metabolize faster than humans, potentially making CBD’s effects more pronounced. Here are a few key areas where CBD could be helpful:
【Epilepsy Treatment】
CBD’s role in significantly reducing seizures in humans led to its approval as a medication in several countries. Similarly, there are multiple reports of CBD improving neurological symptoms like seizures in dogs.
【Pain and Inflammation Relief】
CBD may interact with the ECS to balance neurotransmitters and reduce pain, particularly in chronic pain or arthritis in dogs. It may also help with inflammation by inhibiting inflammatory signals.
【Allergy Relief】
CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties could ease symptoms like dermatitis, itching, and swelling caused by allergies in dogs. It might also help regulate the immune system’s overreaction to allergens.
【Anxiety and Trauma Relief】
By acting on serotonin receptors in the brain, CBD may help ease anxiety and tension, similar to its effects in humans with social or generalized anxiety disorders. It could also alleviate fears of loud noises or crowded places for dogs.
CBD might help manage trauma-related symptoms, as suggested by research in humans with PTSD. This implies potential benefits for rescue dogs or those with abuse-related traumas.
【Nausea Relief and Appetite Improvement】
CBD is said to suppress nausea by acting on serotonin receptors in the brain. This has been confirmed in studies on humans undergoing chemotherapy and is believed to have similar effects on dogs.
Additionally, by alleviating anxiety and stress, it may indirectly ease nausea symptoms associated with these conditions.
Such anti-nausea effects of CBD can also lead to improved appetite in dogs.
CBD is believed to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells and promote apoptosis (natural cell death). It may hinder tumor growth by suppressing angiogenesis (the process of creating new blood vessels for the tumor).
The anti-inflammatory properties mentioned earlier may also help reduce inflammation around the tumor and slow the progression of cancer.
Furthermore, CBD’s pain-relieving effects may contribute to alleviating cancer-related pain and improving the quality of life.
For more details, read "Research on CBD Effects in Dogs by Symptom.”
Are there any side effects or dangers in giving CBD to dogs?
Unlike THC, another cannabinoid derived from cannabis that has psychoactive effects and may cause side effects such as panic, nausea, and excessive sleepiness, CBD has no psychoactive effects and is said to have fewer side effects on dogs.
In Japan, products containing THC are prohibited, so CBD products for dogs available in the country should not contain cannabinoids that cause side effects.
However, it is advisable to verify the safety of other ingredients and additives besides CBD in the product.
CBD itself is considered safe, but mild side effects may occur if consumed in large quantities. If any of the following reactions are observed, adjust the dosage accordingly.
Specific Side Effects of CBD in Dogs
① Dry Nose
CBD is known to reduce saliva secretion, which can lead to a dry nose. If the nose is dry 1-2 hours after intake, it may be a side effect.
② Low Blood Pressure
Large doses of CBD can temporarily lower blood pressure, potentially causing sluggish movements or unsteadiness when called or walking.
③ Drowsiness
CBD is believed to induce sedation via the GABA nervous system, potentially leading to deeper sleep when consumed in high doses.
Since CBD oil is an oil-based product, consuming large amounts on an empty stomach may lead to diarrhea or nausea. It’s important to start with a small amount and adjust based on the dog’s weight and constitution.
Usage and Precautions for CBD for Dogs
Types of CBD for Dogs
CBD for dogs comes in two main forms: “edible” and “topical.” Edible forms include CBD-infused oils or treats, while topical forms include oils, balms, and creams that are absorbed through the skin or paw pads.
Choose products based on your dog’s needs and preferences.
Recommended Dosage for Dogs
For daily health support, a guideline is about 0.2 to 0.5 mg of CBD per kilogram of body weight, given twice a day. Calculate the appropriate dosage by comparing the amount of CBD in the product to the guideline. Start with half the recommended dosage to allow the dog to get used to the oil content.
For topical products, adjust the amount to ensure proper absorption without the dog licking off the excess.
Remember that more CBD doesn’t necessarily mean better effects. The effects can be biphasic, where small amounts energize, and large amounts relax. The optimal dosage varies depending on whether you want your dog to be active or relaxed. Monitor your dog’s condition and adjust the dosage accordingly.
How to Use CBD for Dogs
Treats can be given directly, while oils can be added to regular food, treats, or water to ease initial consumption. Topical products should be gently applied to the affected area.
Avoid spraying oil directly on the face or overusing strong-smelling balms or creams, as these can create unpleasant experiences for your dog. Consider your dog’s health and mood, and never force them.
Timing for Giving CBD to Dogs
For oral consumption, give CBD 30 minutes to an hour before the desired effect is expected. For topical application, effects may appear within 15 to 45 minutes.
These timings are guidelines and can vary based on health, constitution, and timing.
To relieve symptoms → [when symptoms are noticeable]
To alleviate anxiety before leaving home or outings → [before departure]
To boost energy for walks → [before walks]
To quickly soothe after a walk → [after walks]
To promote restful sleep → [before bed]
For daily health maintenance, regular use is recommended.
Giving oil products in large quantities on an empty stomach may loosen the stomach or have too strong an effect. If your dog is on medication, consult a veterinarian to avoid interaction effects. Since not all veterinarians are well-versed in CBD, researching CBD’s effects on your dog’s symptoms before consulting may yield more accurate advice.
Can human CBD oil be used for dogs?
Human and dog CBD products differ in CBD content and other ingredients. While CBD itself can be consumed by both humans and dogs, human CBD products typically contain higher CBD concentrations, which may not be ideal for dogs.
If using human CBD products for dogs, ensure that non-CBD ingredients are safe for dogs.
Choosing CBD Products for Dogs
When selecting CBD products for dogs, it’s important to note that unlike human food or personal care items, pet CBD products are not classified as “food” or “cosmetics.” Therefore, they are not subject to the stringent safety standards that human products must adhere to. The extent to which safety measures are enforced for dog products largely depends on the individual manufacturer.
For CBD oils and CBD-infused treats, one clear criterion is whether they are made from ingredients approved for food use. In the case of CBD balms and creams, you should carefully check the quality and formulation of the ingredients to find the best fit for your furry companion.
Key Points to Consider When Choosing CBD Products for Dogs
◾︎ Quality of CBD Ingredients
It’s natural that the quality of CBD, derived from plants and extracted through various processes, can vary. Checkpoints include the purity of the components and the residual levels of pesticides and solvents.
◾︎ Other Ingredients
Typically, dog CBD products contain ingredients other than CBD. Especially if your dog has allergies, ensure you review all the ingredients in the product.
◾︎ CBD Content
Knowing how much CBD is in the product is crucial to administer the right dosage for your dog. If the CBD content is too low, you may end up giving more of the other ingredients, making it essential to verify both the CBD content and the formulation.
◾︎ Taste and Smell
Disliking the taste or smell can be stressful for your dog, defeating the purpose of the product. Choosing a product your dog enjoys is a key aspect of selection.
◾︎ Ease of Use
If you’re torn between several promising products, consider how easy they are to use in real-life situations. Practicality can make a difference.
◾︎ Cost Performance
Continuity is preferable when aiming for the benefits of CBD, so it’s wise to choose something that won’t be financially burdensome. Comparing the desired dosage with the CBD content of the product can help you estimate how long the product will last and its overall cost-effectiveness.
Conclusion: Find the Right CBD Approach for Your Dog!
As discussed, CBD has the potential to alleviate and improve a variety of issues dogs may face, with minimal risk of side effects. The key is to use the right product and dosage that your dog enjoys. Monitoring your dog’s response and adjusting usage as needed is essential for optimal results.
Ensuring your dog’s health remains your responsibility, regardless of whether you choose to use CBD. Daily health care is crucial for their long-term well-being. If you decide to try CBD, we hope you’ll find this article a helpful guide.
Here is the recommended, high-quality dog CBD oil co-developed by Japan and the U.S.