アメリカ西海岸でペットの健康サポートのために考案された「PAWS EFFECT」が日本に上陸。米国ペット栄養専門家とMONADETが厳選した天然由来の原料を使い共同開発した犬用CBDオイルです。
上質な日本産ベーコン味と高品質CBDの働きに、あなたのパートナーはきっと喜ぶはず! ぜひ一緒に感動を味わってください。




The Pet CBD product “PAWS EFFECT,” designed for pet health support on the West Coast of the US, has landed in Japan. Developed in collaboration between American pet nutrition specialist John Eberhard and MONADET, this dog CBD oil utilizes carefully selected natural ingredients.
Your partner will surely be delighted by the premium Japanese bacon flavor and the efficacy of high-quality CBD!

Convenient spray type for outdoor use, can be sprayed on food, water, or treats anytime.

Dog CBD Oil
Japanese Bacon Flavor
CBD: 500mg

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